Integrative Medicine and Medicinal Cannabis

Integrative medicine, combining traditional methods and alternative therapies, stands out for its patient-centered approach, prioritizing well-being. Recently, medical cannabis has become part of this philosophy, offering a therapeutic option in

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The Endocannabinoid System

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS): A revolutionary discovery in the 1990s that unlocked the secrets behind the effects of cannabis and revealed its importance for mental and physical health.

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Here’s how anxiety affects modern society and how cannabinoids can be a safe and effective alternative for treatment. Studies reveal that CBD reduces anxiety without sedative effects, while THC can

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Cannabis and Sport

CBD (cannabidiol) has been highlighted for its beneficial properties for athletes. With potential anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anxiolytic effects, CBD can aid in post-workout muscle recovery and reduce stress and anxiety

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All the articles in this blog are based on scientific studies and contain the bibliographic reference.